Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri reviews preparation for upcoming Itikaf

Fizzah Hussain Qadri reviews preparation for upcoming Itikaf

Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri has appreciated the ongoing campaigns and working of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League in an exclusive meeting held at MWL's Office.

In a meeting with the core committee members of MWL Pakistan, Mrs. Fizzah Qadri was briefed about the plan for the annual Itikaf which is to be held in the last 10 days of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak. She gave guidelines to effectively plan the days of Itikaf for the women, girls and kids who would be joining the seclusion (Itikaf).

President MWL Pakistan, Dr. Farah Naz, Secretary General MWL Sidra Karamat and Deputy General Secretaries Anila Ilyas, Habiba Ismail and Ayesha Mubashir were present during the meeting.

Fizzah Hussain Qadri reviews preparation for upcoming Itikaf
