Irfan-ul-Quran Course inaugural ceremony held in Sambaryal

Irfan-ul-Quran Course was inaugurated in Samaryal, at Four Star Marriage Hall on May, 25, 2010. Central Naib Nazima Women League Miss Sajida Sadiq was invited to preside over. In addition to 2oo students of Irfan-ul-Quran Course, a large number of ladies representing influential and elite class of society participated in the ceremony.

The inauguration got underway with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by Na’at. Addressing the gathering Miss Sajida Sadiq welcomed and thanked the participants and extended her warm felicitations to the members Sambaryal chapter of Women League for organizing the course and making excellent arrangements for the inaugural ceremony. She elaborated at length the significance and spiritual benefits of learning and teaching the Quran. She said Quran was the fountainhead of guidance that guarantees the safeguard and emancipation of Muslim Umma, if followed in letter and spirit. We, as a community, will not face any mischief or disruption, if we practice the holy teachings of the Quran ardently and tenaciously. It is, therefore, essential to turn to the Quran and hold it fast, if we really want to undo our decline, and get out of the quagmire of ignominy and humiliation.

The Minhaj-ul-Quran International is dynamically engaged in reformation of Umma, renaissance and revival of Islam, and its promotion and propagation. Basically our movement aims at making everyone turn to the Quran. Shaykh-ul-Islam has presented the Umma with the most invaluable gift in the form of Irfan-ul-Quran. It is now up to us to seek benefit from this most modern translation of the Quran to the maximum. Miss Sajida Sadiq congratulated all those who have contributed one way or the other to make the Infan-ul-Quran Course possible. She especially appreciated the efforts of members WL Sambaryal. The ceremony ended with Dua.
