Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri addresses the session on Social media ethics

miss fizzah qadri addresses

On the 5th day of Itikaf, Minhaj College for Women hosted a thought-provoking session on "Social Media Ethics: Embracing Faith in the Digital Era." Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri addressed the audience, shedding light on crucial aspects of ethical engagement on social media platforms.

President MWL Pakistan Dr Farah Naz, Dr Javeria Hassan, Dr Shazia Butt and other senior staff members of Minhaj College for Women were also present. It was attended by the students Mutakifa'at of Minhaj College for Women and the activists of Social Media department as well.

The session commenced with an insightful introduction, emphasizing the importance of maintaining integrity and faith values in the digital landscape. Mrs. Fizzah delved into various key points, elucidating the significance of mindful information sharing, authenticity in religious content, and cultivating purposeful social media companionship.

Participants were enlightened on the responsibility of self-accountability in digital interactions, as Mrs. Fizzah underscored the need to align online conduct with personal values and ethical principles. She further explored strategies for effective time management and balancing digital engagement with spiritual priorities.

Moreover, Mrs. Fizzah emphasized the importance of authenticity over projection, urging attendees to foster genuine connections and promote unity through transparent and respectful online interactions.

miss fizzah qadri addresses

miss fizzah qadri addresses

miss fizzah qadri addresses
